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This Week's Schedule of Games

Sunday, August 31, 2008

"Coach Rod" Chalks Up A Loss

I'd be a bad Buckeye reporter if I didn't mention that Michigan lost yesterday.

It seems Rich Rodriguez has some work to do in Ann Arbor.

Regardless of the 25-23 loss to Utah, this is still a Michigan team that will get up ready to play when the rivalry game rolls around in November.

Ohio State: 43 Younstown: 0 Fourth Quarter Reactions and Analysis

Fourth Quarter

This one is academic right now, but Pryor continues to show his stuff. The Bucks have been bringing the aggression all day.

Right now, I’m wondering if Tressel is sending a message to Pete Carroll and USC. All three squads have looked impressive, though not enough to convince me they can hang with the SEC yet. Ohio State still takes a lot of time to initiate plays.

Still, taking time off the clock is a tradition with Tressel’s team.

By the way, Boeckman did complete a touchdown pass, although you have to credit Brian Robiske for catching that pass under tremendous pressure and coverage.

I’d be surprised if Youngstown has gained 100 yards of total offense. It’s 43-0 now, and Youngstown is probably looking to avoid a shutout. The way they’ve played today makes it seem unlikely they’re going to score on this defense.

The guy in front of my has a James Laurinaitis throwback on, and it makes me wonder where James has been this entire game. Seems he hasn’t played too many snaps. They’re going to need to get their money’s worth out of him in SoCal.

Youngstown fails to gain positive yardage in the rushing department, and so we end at 43-0 to give Ohio State its first shutout since it blanked Minnesota 44-0 in 2006.

Overall, the offense looks good, and apparently Beanie Wells is not seriously injured, though we cannot speculate.

Next up, Ohio State hosts the Ohio University Bobcats in a game they need to take seriously even though USC comes right after it.

This is Justin Hearn signing off from Ohio Stadium and saying, “Thanks for dropping in.”

Game 1: Third Quarter Reactions and Analysis

Third Quarter

With 7:14 left in the third the Buckeyes fumble the ball away, but the season could be in jeopardy as Wells goes down.
The stadium reacts as though it just saw a death in Final Destination 3. No one’s saying what they already know--Wells Heisman chances and the national title chase could be in peril here.

I questioned Tressel for bringing in the B-squad earlier in the game, but when you’re up 33-0 and threatening another score, do you really need your super running back in the game?

By the way, Wells already passed the century mark in yardage. Still, it’s never a good sign when the golf cart comes to take your superstar to the locker room.

Right now, 2008 Heisman winner Tim Tebow is probably padding his stats at The Swamp. That may be why Wells played this drive.

The Buckeyes do get the ball back as they almost force two safeties on Youngstown.

Second Quarter Reactions and Analysis

Second Quarter Thoughts and Analysis

Youngstown clearly has no fuel in the tank. Ohio State forces a three and out and Tressel will call in his third quarterback, Joe Bauserman.

Interesting note: the stadium announcer has taken a page from the student section by proudly announcing whenever Ohio State gets a first down. To my knowledge, this is the first year he's done that.

Anyway, Bauserman leads the charge down the field, and the team will settle for three again after a thisclose miss in the end zone. The receiver’s foot was just barely out of bands. It’s 16-0 now.

After another failed Youngstown drive, the stadium is starting to see no point in heckling their quarterback. Boeckman, Wells, and the first string come back in, and Wells shows why he could win the Heisman by breaking free for more huge runs.

No touchdown passes for Boeckman yet. Tressel doesn’t seem to be pushing the issue with him, though.

Wells scampers in the end zone for another touchdown, and the Bucks will score another field goal as they head into the next half up 26-0.

Game 1: First Quarter Reactions and Analysis

First Quarter Thoughts and Analysis

The stadium is electric and ready to see the kickoff after a great performance by the alumni marching band.

Ohio State elects to receive the kick at the coin toss. This really isn’t a surprise because they obviously want to score quickly and quell Youngstown’s hopes of an upset.

They’ll actually return a good kick here and set up some great field position.

First play of the season is a running play. Typical Big Ten smash mouth plays.

Twelve minutes to go in the first quarter, and the Bucks face fourth and elect to go for it. Surprising here that Tressel is coming at Youngstown aggressively on the first drive--though he needs to set the tone early.

The handoff goes to Beanie Wells who breaks free and takes it 40 yards to the house. The crowd is absolutely on fire right now.

Later in the first quarter, the crowd is slightly annoyed as the latest drive ends in field goal, but at least we get to see Ryan Pretorious’s leg in action.

If you haven’t heard about Terrelle Pryor by now, everyone in the stands has as this place shook from the reaction as he came out under center. A little surprising here that Tressel’s bringing in the second string despite being up 10-0.

Pryor’s first career pass is a completion for six yards to one of the lesser known receivers. Pryor is supposed to be a great runner, too.

Just as I mention this to the lady beside me, Pryor breaks free for a run of about 20 yards. Man, he is coming (albeit this is only Youngstown State).

Pryor’s first drive stalls and the team will settle for three again. He seems to hold onto the ball a little too long, but he’s just a freshman and is a better football player than all 105,000 of us in the stands.

Game 1: Youngstown State

Welcome to the 2008 Buckeye football season.

At least that was the message the Youngstown State Fighting Penguins and the rest of the country received Aug. 30.

I had the pleasure of attending this game with about 105,000 of my closest friends. Consequently, I’m giving you my analysis of the game as it happened.

I will be giving my stream of thoughts for every game in 2008. So, Buckeye fans near and far should hope my thoughts remaining positive for all 12 games.

Today, we will focus in on the season opener against Youngstown State.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Game Reactions

Another year, another first.

I'm going to begin tracking Ohio State games and recording my own thoughts and reactions to the key plays that unfold during each quarter of play.

I will be attending three games in person this year, and will likely post my reactions and thoughts the day after the games. We'll see.

Until then, this is JH signing off and saying, "Thanks for dropping in."

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Buckeye Hate Not A Bad Thing

The following is taken from my article on bleacherreport.com:

It’s that time of year again.

You know—that time of year where Buckeye fans forget everything outside of football exists. It’s that special time where Buckeye fans fall in love with the colors scarlet and gray.

If you still haven’t figured it out, I’m talking about Buckeye football season. While Buckeye fans may fall head over heels for Ohio State, there’s just one unfortunate fact—the rest of the country does not love Ohio State.

In fact, a recent ESPN poll shows that Ohio State is the most hated college football team in America. Depending on the SEC fan you ask, Ohio State ranks somewhere between Hitler and The Joker as one of history’s greatest villains.

Officially, Ohio State is ranked second and third in the AP and USA Today polls respectively.
Though this season has spawned another wave of Ohio State hatred, Ohio State offensive tackle Alex Boone told the Columbus Dispatch he has no problem with the “Most Hated“ label. “You know what? Good,” he said.

Boone is right—the hatred for Ohio State may be the best fuel for its championship fire. Hatred has a tendency to make the hated work harder and increases the desire for success.
Take for instance, NASCAR’s Kyle Busch, who became a villain when he spun the popular Dale Earnhardt, Jr. at Richmond earlier this year. He used the boos from the crowd to propel himself to a series-high eight wins.

The same can happen for Ohio State. The team can and should feed off the negativity that everyone outside Ohio (and even inside if you count Carson Palmer) sends its way and use that as a catalyst for a another potential title run.

After all, whether they cheer or boo, at least they care enough about Ohio State to make a little noise in response.

So, in essence, Trev Alberts can continue to discredit Ohio State, and the SEC can continue to say that the Buckeyes couldn’t survive in that league—but that’s just fine. The more they hate Ohio State, the more it will sting the haters if Ohio State runs the table and makes it back to the BCS Championship Game.

If you don’t want Ohio State in the title game again, then cheer your heart out for the Buckeyes. If you still choose to boo and hate Ohio State, then don’t be surprised to see your nightmare of a third straight Buckeye BCS Championship appearance in January.

Drive! Drive! On Down The Field

Tracking the 2008 Ohio State Buckeyes Football Season