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Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Vote Jim Tressel For President; Triple H For Vice President: The Tressel-Helmsley Ticket in 2008.

I had the pleasure of voting early this week, but I wish I had more options in the category of presidential candidates.

My dream ticket for this coming election is Tressel/Triple H, and, to quote Lee Corso, "I'm gonna tell ya why."

Think about it--most of the country is against the war. Well, Tressel has historically never had an incredibly strong offense, so he probably would keep things "close to the vest" and punt the ball away for a swift troop withdrawl.

Left-wing voters may not like Tressel since he is too conservative. Still, given his past history, The Senator could put up a strong defense against mudslinging.

Triple H certainly has the Pedigree to be vice president considering he's married into the wealthiest family in sports-entertainment.

Then again, right-wing voters might not vote for Triple H since he carries his sledgehammer in his left hand. However, he's torn both quadriceps muscles so that makes him pretty moderate. Triple H has "Cena" lot of adversity and overcome it.

Tressel is a great environmentalist after having given up ground to Gators and Tigers the last two years.

As far as the economy issue goes, well, Tressel's authentic Nike sweater vests sell for around $60 at most stores. The proceeds made from about 20 million of these could go to bail out middle class families.

Triple H could help stop the Degeneration of Wall Street with the "X"pert leadership he demonstrated when he ran the entire WWE during the absence of Vince McMahon.

Overall, this would be a dream ticket, and I should've written it in on my ballot; but, alas...

Don't be "Biden" your time--get to the polls this November. If you don't, I'll get "McCain" (get it? My cane?) and drag you there myself.

Purdue's up this week. Let's hope the Buckeyes can go 3-0 to open their Big Ten chase.

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