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Sunday, November 23, 2008

Big Win Over That Team Up North; Plus, Who Cares About Miley and WVU?

According to whichever foolish celebrity news outlets you choose to listen, Miley Cyrus is 16.

Who cares?

Not me. I was too busy calling a high school football playoff game while learning THE Ohio State Buckyes fully throttled that team up north and its first-year coach in the most lopsided outcome of this rivalry in 30 years.

I don't care what the people in Hollywood are doing because their pathetic lives pale in comparison to college football. Nlo star in Hollywood is worth my time unless they suit up and play for the Buckeyes.

Not Miley, not Madonna, and certainly not Britney Spears.

My stars are Jim Tressel and company, and man, did they shine in the second half against "that team" and its coach. Beanie Wells, of course, broke his annual big run against that team as well.

I'm hearing this could've been his last rivalry game, but I'm hoping that is just a rumor.

Anyhow, this was an unprecendented fifth straight win for the Buckeyes over that team up north, and that team's coach was, as usual, in denial. In case you didn't catch that coach's comments, let me be the first to tell you that he considers this just a one-game winning streak.

Unless he gets fired, he'll likely be around for four more losses to Ohio State and then maybe he'll accept it for what it is. Anyhow, this thrashing couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.

Also, I'm glad West Virginia fans continue to think they have any logical reasons to hate the Buckeyes, because, even if they hate "that coach", he's a WVU alum and Ohio State thoroughly embarassed him.
I wonder if Fred Earley was thrilled with 42-7 and will still root against the Bucks. Maybe yesterday's game will make Earley and the rest of WVU's fans to go join that state up north in being quiet for another 365 days.

I'll be cheering on Pitt in the Backyard Brawl and waiting to see where the Buckeyes go in January.

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Across The Field by Justin Hearn is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at drivedriveondownthefield.blogspot.com.
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