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Thursday, November 6, 2008

Ray Small's Dad Is An Anus

Breaking news: Ray Small has been suspended from the Ohio State lineup apparently for skipping class.

Now, his idiotic father claims Ohio State is trying to ruin Ray's career. Wait, what?!

First off, it is Ray's obligation to get an education. Second, his father is obviously a horse's anus and I can't put that in any nicer terms.

Ray Small is obviously lazy, and his father apparently just expects handouts so he can ride his son's coat tails to fame and fortune. Hey, have a father like this guy and you certainly wouldn't need enemies.

The reason kids act the way they do today anyhow is because parent like this guy don't teach responsibility. The attitude is, "Well, I'm a Buckeye football player and I am above everything else."

The Small family can just keep on dreaming. I am so sick of people not owning up and taking responsibility. Ray Small has an opportunity that most people never get, and it is his R-E-S-P-O-N-S-I-B-I-L-I-T-Y to make sure he keeps it.

Besides, other people will gladly take the spot he and his father seem to not deserve. Interestingly enough, Small's jersey number is 82--which means he doesn't get to wear the coveted single-number jersey. Notice that he was once No. 4. Hmmm...

Remember, if you find yourself in the doghouse, then you probably deserve to be there.

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