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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Only Time I'd Ever Root For Michigan is if It Played The Bush Administration

First, let me say that this is the most political post you'll ever see from me, and I'm going to milk it for all it's worth.

I am not an overtly political person and never intend to be. However, I must deviate from Ohio State for just a moment and address the political landscape.

If you didn't think Barack Obama was going to be the next president, then you either live under a rock or are one of the 26 people who still think Bush is doing a good job.

I'm neither hardcore liberal nor conservative, but I know a bad president when I see one, and Bush fits the bill. It's bad enough to raise gas prices, but to enter a senseless war just so you can get the oil in Iraq and make a profit is ridiculous. Our troops deserve better, and I stand behind them no matter what--just not Bush.

Our troops are incredible men and women, and they are true heroes unlike these foolish celebrities like Lindsay Lohan.

Also, the thing that irritates me most about Bush is that he makes a mockery of God by invoking God's name. Don't kid yourself--Bush is not a Christian.

Also, I heard a woman in church last week offer people rides to the polling station. That's great, but she had to go on and criticize Obama and his supporters (some of whom were in that service judging by bumper stickers on cars) directly after that. She should have just stopped at "polling station."

Church, in my mind, is really no place for people like that woman to stand up on a soap box and condemn everybody else. Church is supposed to help people. It's too bad too many churches have forgotten that, but that's another topic for another day.

Anyhow, I am interested to see how Obama will do. Obviously, it's impossible for him to come through on every campaign promise. Still, if he really does have a passion for this country and helping unite the United States again, then I'm all for it.

By the way, I think Obama will do just fine. If you didn't vote, though, keep your mouth shut if the candidate(s) you wanted to win failed. You don't vote, you lose your voice. Learn it.

Finally, it's nice to see Larry Steinel ousted as Washington County Commissioner. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.

Anyhow, Jim Tressel did not win the presidential race, and that saddens me. Still, he'll be coaching against Northwestern this weekend.

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